#RomBkLove Day 14: Power Dynamics
#RomBkLove Day 16: Just a Fling

#RomBkLove Day 15: Slump Busters

Day15 #RomBkLove

There are few things as miserable as a reading slump. Bad luck or bad mood, nothing is working. What do you do?  Do you re-read? Switch genres?  Do you save books by favorite authors in reserve in case of a reading emergency?  Do you wait out a reading slump or bust out of it?

I do a little of everything. I will switch genres, re-read faves (Hello, Hidden Legacy by Ilona Andrews, we meet again!), and occasionally if am lucky, I have been saving a book by a favorite author to try.  What do you read or do to break out of a slump.

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