#RomBkLove Day 20: Rom-Coms
#RomBkLove Day 22: Found Family

#RomBklove Day 21: Travel

Day 21 #RomBkLove

Today is one of the biggest travels days of the year and I'm hitting the road along with so many others. Lovers in romance, often met away from home, or hit the road together. Whether they travel by carriage, horse, plane, train or auto, what your favorite travel romance? 

In Mia Sosa's Acting on Impulse  Carter and Tori meet while stowing luggage in an overhead compartment on a plane. They end up at the same resort and things start heating up until Tori learns that Carter is Carter Stone, TV Star and she has sworn of dating anyone remotely famous after the very public breakup she just had with a local politician.   The rest of the novel is about them recapturing and growing beyond the little bubble that they initially shared while traveling together.

The first half of Joanna Bourne's The Forbidden Rose is a rough and dangerous road trip from a burned out French Chateau to Paris. Maggie and Doyle are constantly trying to outwit each other on the journey, trying to figure each other out and trying to stay safe. I love the tense love affair that develops between them and how stubborn they both are about protecting the people they love. It is my favorite of Bourne's Spymaster romances.

The Kraken King by Meljean Brooks is a plus-sized travel romance. Originally released as serial, this SF travelogue chronicles the travels of pulp adventure writer, Zenobia Fox, where she tumbles into rebel leader, Ariq. They travel/flee all over the outskirts of the Golden Empire. 

In Beverly Jenkins Night Hawk, Ian "Preacher" Vance is just trying to get back home after going home to bury his mother back in Scotland. His long journey home is interrupted by duty. His duty is wrangling and keeping in custody, the unjustly hounded Maggie Freeman.  From the beginning he is more her bodyguard than her captor, but she leads him on merry chase through the West before finally bringing her back home with him. 


 What are you favorite travel romances?


 An archive of all the prompt's tweets

A list of the prompts and the posts so far.

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