#RomBkLove Day 23: Crafts and Hobbies
#RomBkLove Day 25: Get a Clue! Romantic Mysteries

#RomBkLove Day 24: Sweet as Pie/Cinnamon Rolls

Day 24 #RomBkLoveIn romance sweet, gentle, care-taking MCs are not terribly common but sometimes that is the only MCs we can bear to read. What romances have them? What do you love about them?  

I love caretaking MCs but they are hard to find caretaking MCs that aren't also bossy, and alpha.

Both the heroes in KJ Charles's An Unseen Attraction (Sins of the City) are gentle and sweet-tempered, but it Rowley that to me best fits the Sweet as Pie/Cinnamon Roll description. Although small, and eccentric (he is passionate about his job as taxidermist) he never hesitates to champion Clem. He does all the little things that show care, knowing how to stress Clem, respecting his boundaries and making sure others take that care with Clem too.

Sasha Devlin's Beary Christmas, Baby is another fantastic friends to lovers romance with a cuddly gentle hero. Liev has loved Sira since they were children, but on Christmas eve she has finally pushed him to far, and that realization is the spark Sira needs to realize that what they could have is not something she wants pretend isn't there.

Tristan in Laura Florand's Crown of Bitter Orange is totally a cinnamon roll hero. His whole arc is about overcoming Malorie's suspicions and figuring out how to show her love in ways that she won't misunderstand or mistrust. Unlike his more aggressive Rosier cousins he know, that he needs to handle her with care, and not just bulldoze his way in.

Rosa in Priscilla Oliveras's Her Perfect Affair is a sweet as pie heroine with a spine of steel.  Rosa loves and cares for her sisters, trying to fill the holes left by their parents deaths.  She has tried to so hard for so long and she just lets loose a little bit one night.  When Jeremy tries to take relationship shortcuts after he discovers she is pregnant. Rosa is sweet, loving but no push-over and no willing to compromise of what matters most to her, love.

and if you want more recs check the list that Olivia Dade crowdsourced last year.

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