#RomBkLove Day 27: Introverts: Bookworms, Wallflowers and Recluses
Romance novels are littered with bookworms, wallflowers and recluses but not all of them are actual introverts. But who gets introverts and what they need in relationships rights? If you are an introvert in whose books do you feel seen?
I am outgoing introvert and I have to say I don't see a lot of that in romance. I am leader, I am bossy, not shy or retiring, I love being around people but it is exhausting and I need quiet time to recharge after spending too much time with people.
However I have enjoyed some depictions of introversion in novels recently.
Zoe York's Ambushed by Love, Grace is introverted and independent, which makes her initially hesitant when Frank keeps showing up everywhere she goes around camp after she made the mistake of tipsily crawling into his bed the first night at camp. I appreciated how he noticed that she needed space and how she firmly but kindly set her own boundaries.
Jackson in Alisha Rai's Wrong to Need You is very introverted, only really comfortable among people he has known for a long-time and has structured his whole career around not having to deal with too many people directly, instead trusting the peopling to trusted employees. Sadia is one of the people who has always accepted this and other things about Jackson fully. I love how she got him and accepted him
I also loved Ada Harper's depiction of what it means to have to be always one and peopling when one is naturally an introvert. Sabine in Treason of Truths is flawless in public but needs to withdraw in order to recover each day. Lyre works to ensure that Sabine has what she needs, creating space and privacy for her whenever she can.
Tell me of your favorite introverts? The wallflowers, bookworms, and recluses of romance...