#RomBkLove Day 28: Extroverts. Life of the Party/Center of Attention
Who are the hostsess with mostess, the life of the party, the center of attention in any room? How does romance portray extroverts? What books and MCs capture what it means to thrive in a crowd?
Although Gabe from Alisha Rai's Hurts to Love Youcarries around the baggage of too many family secrets and unacknowledged relationships, he loves being around people. His humor and good cheer bridge many an uncomfortable moment. He is a natural extrovert, easy and at ease with people, and preferring to be in a crowd than by himself.
My favorite quote about Gabe comes from Wrong to Need You, when Sadia is soothing a slightly baffled Jackson.
"If it helps, Gabe wants to everyone's friend. He's like a puppy. A large, tattooed, flannel wearing puppy"
Valentin from Singh's Silver Silence is like many of his furry kin, and extrovert that gets energy from being around his clan. He is touchy, social and revels in being around others. His laughter and charisma attract and fascinate Silver even as she tries to encase her heart in the ice of Silence, but it is his solid unwavering love that brings her back to him.
Vivy from Emma Barry's Free Fall's laugh is always too loud, the clothes she wears too bold or too bright, she doesn't take no for an answer and feels most herself surrounded by a houseful of her sorority sisters. Her new husband struggles to learn how to open himself up, after too many years of compartmentalizing and boxing away his emotions, but he is thirsty for her chatter. I absolutely adored Vivy, and her refusal to stuff herself into tight dresses or ladylike behavior just to please her mother.
Who are your favorite extroverts?