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#Rombklove 2020 Thank You!

Final Day_RomBkLove Thank You

Okay, we made it. This year has been marathon and I am so thankful to all the folks that said that they value Rombklove and chose to take time during this stressful and exhausting period to help out in big and small ways.  You can follow them all on twitter, and they will make you feel part of Romancelandia.

I am so thankful to each of the readers, reviewers and writers who took the time to write rec posts this month.  I hesistated to go out and recruit bloggers like I usually do, but these folks raised their hands and said they wanted to help!  They strove to create inclusive lists and to highlight things they love in our genre.  It can make you vulnerable to share what you love and I really appreciate it.

Over the years folks have volunteered to take up some of the admin tasks behind Rombklove and I just haven't known quite how to share the load. This year out of necessity I did. And I am so thankful. So thankful.  I am thankful to Charlotte for creating all these great graphics, staying one step ahead of me.  I love making graphics, but I loved having someone help me even more. Plus the graphics were great.  

I'm so thankful to Noemi for her hard work translating prompts for us all month. As a Spanish speaker, who is not gifted in translation, I can really appreciate the work she put in to capture the spirit of the prompts, and make them catchy and interesting in translation.

I am so thankful to the archiving team (Vicky, Helen, Noemi, Lauren, and Nicole) that took on the task of creating GR lists for each day, sorting through hundreds of tweets and providing great trend reports.  If you want to know what was named each day, visit their GR lists.

I am also thankful to Julie, Taryn, Jen, Sarah, and Subwayreads for rounding out the Rombklove Support team this year and helping write prompts and being a sounding board when I need to think something through this month.

These folks carried me this year and I hope that you find something joyous in Rombklove.  We will be back next year, hopefully under better circumstances.